
Parents Enter Not-Guilty Plea in Abduction

A married couple accused of kidnaping their 4-year-old son from his foster home pleaded not guilty Tuesday during their arraignment in South Municipal Court.

Yaser and Deborah Jayyusi are charged with one count of felony child abduction for allegedly taking their son, Taj, from a Rancho Santa Margarita foster home Feb. 12, said Kelly MacEachern, a deputy district attorney. The couple were arrested in Cerritos Feb. 18 as Yaser Jayyusi tried to pick up his paycheck.

Susan White, Taj’s foster mother, was awarded custody of Taj on March 1.

If found guilty, they both could receive a maximum of three years in prison and a fine of $10,000, MacEachern said.


Taj was taken just days before a court hearing to determine whether his parents would be stripped of their parental rights.

Taj and a 2-year-old daughter entered foster care two years ago after being taken from the Jayyusis because of allegations of physical abuse, according to social services officials and court records. A preliminary hearing for both defendants has been set for April 9.
