
AIDS Concerns Everyone

Regarding Sharon Biggers’ reaction to Tom Hanks’ Oscar speech (“Reactions to the Oscars,” Saturday Letters, March 26):

While Hanks’ comments might arguably have approached being “overwrought,” they were more than tempered by the honesty of his emotions. But “oppressive” in their political correctness? C’mon.

No one is asking you, Ms. Biggers, to feel responsible for or guilty about those who are combatting AIDS and HIV, nor must you see any of us as possessing a certain “nobility” for doing so. Still, you have responsibilities that you must face, the very least of which is to recognize that, since none of us lives in a vacuum, AIDS is everyone’s concern. Hiding behind your statement that “AIDS is a predominantly behavior-related disease,” with its implicit moral judgment, does not exempt you from accepting this.


When this plague breaks through your wall of denial, arrives at your doorstep and claims one of your loved ones, who will be to blame then? Will you still be in hiding? There’s not much nobility in that either.

So I propose a deal: I will accept full responsibility for my lifestyle and all of my actions, but you must do likewise. And I’ll just take my chances on becoming an angel.


Los Angeles
