
Libertarian Party Is Not Anti-Government

* In his column about Libertarian Bill Carroll’s refusal to take a handout from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (March 27), Scott Harris unfairly referred to the Libertarian Party as being “anti-government.” Nothing could be further from the truth. We are not anti-government.

Rather, we are pro personal responsibility. We think government is very important when it comes to defending rights of individuals and the security of our borders. It is only in the many areas where we citizens have allowed government (often with a heavy hand) to go beyond these boundaries, casting itself in the role of parent for adult citizens, usurping our individual rights and responsibilities and enabling multitudes to become dependent on government taxation for so many aspects of their existence, that Libertarians harbor objections.

Criticizing these excesses doesn’t make us anti-government; it makes us against governmental excess. By refusing FEMA money to which the law “entitled” him, Mr. Carroll has set a fine example of personal responsibility. In a society where, more and more, being a “victim” seems to be the preferred avenue to financial gain, Mr. Carroll’s libertarian example of integrity and strength of character is a breath of fresh air indeed.




Goldberg is on the state executive committee of the Libertarian Party of California and is a party regional chairman.
