
County Plans Tree Removal, Trimming

More than 350 dead trees scorched by last fall’s fires will be removed as part of an ongoing program to clean up unincorporated areas around Calabasas and Malibu, county officials said.

The Los Angeles County Department of Public Works will administer the project, which will also involve trimming more than 2,000 trees.

“This work will enhance public safety by minimizing the chance of overgrown or dead, brittle tree foliage falling on cars and injuring motorists or pedestrians,” Supervisor Ed Edelman said.


The tree maintenance is part of a routine ongoing project for unincorporated areas and was not prompted by the fires or accidents involving falling trees or branches, said Donna Guyovich, a Public Works spokeswoman.

The project is scheduled to begin in October and will take 11 weeks to complete

It will not require road closures or special traffic restrictions.
