
27 Administrators Named in District Reorganization : Schools: Eight of the appointments will oversee the transition in the Valley, with each leading a complex of campuses.


Opening the way for the massive reorganization of the Los Angeles Unified School District, Supt. Sid Thompson announced his appointments Thursday for 27 administrators--including eight in the San Fernando Valley--to oversee the major transition.

The administrators, who will make $84,550 annually, will oversee the new complexes of elementary, middle and senior high schools. The reorganization is intended to bring decision-making closer to the schools and eliminate orders from the bureaucracies of the Downtown district headquarters.

But Thompson’s choices, which were made without a board of education vote, are coming under fire from the teachers’ union. “Most of these people . . . have been seen as a hindrance rather than a help to schools,” said Helen Bernstein, the United Teachers--Los Angeles president. “There were a few people who were effective in their jobs, but . . . it seems like a waste of resources and energy.”


But district officials said the administrators are experienced leaders who will help the school system shift power to local campuses. The so-called cluster leaders will be responsible for evaluating principals, implementing new reform and curricular programs, and improving community and parent satisfaction.

“These are very experienced leaders,” said Bill Rivera, the district’s spokesman. “They will be in the line position.”

Thompson received about 100 applications for the jobs. Rivera said Thompson made his selections based on a variety of factors, including experience and ethnicity.


Each cluster leader will be responsible for one to three high schools and the local “feeder” elementary and middle schools.

Valley schools have been organized into eight complexes. The following are the high school complexes and their newly appointed leaders:

* San Fernando--Maria Reza, currently the principal at San Fernando Middle School.

* Francis Polytechnic/North Hollywood--Carmen Schroeder, a region administrator.

* Grant/Van Nuys--Yvonne Davis, a region administrator.

* Kennedy/Monroe--Gene McCallum, a middle schools unit administrator.

* Birmingham/Cleveland/Reseda--Deborah Leidner, on leave from being principal at Marshall High.


* Sylmar/Verdugo Hills--Jeanne Yamamoto, region administrator.

* Taft/Canoga Park/El Camino Real--Joseph Luskin, a region administrator.

* Chatsworth/Granada Hills--Lawrence Moore, a region administrator.
