
Many in Kennedy Family, Friends Visit Mrs. Onassis in Final Hours

From Newsday

Among the visitors to former First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis before her death on Thursday were:

* Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg, daughter, and her husband, Edwin Schlossberg.

* John F. Kennedy Jr., her son.

* Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.), brother-in-law, and his wife, Victoria Reggie.

* Lee Radziwill Ross, sister.

* Rep. Joseph Kennedy (D-Mass.), son of late brother-in-law Robert F. Kennedy.

* Ethel Kennedy, Robert Kennedy’s widow.

* Patricia Kennedy Lawford and Eunice Kennedy Shriver, sisters-in-law.

* William Kennedy Smith, nephew, son of Jean Kennedy Smith, another sister-in-law.

* Maria Shriver, niece.

* Christopher Lawford, nephew, son of Patricia Kennedy Lawford.

* Jayne Wrightsman, widow of Charles Wrightsman, longtime friend of the Kennedys from Palm Beach, Fla., and major benefactor of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

* Carly Simon, a singer and friend from Martha’s Vineyard.

* Joe Armstrong, publishing director of Meigher Communications and a friend of John F. Kennedy Jr.
