
Brawley’s Measure R

* It is unfortunate that The Times chooses to turn its attention to the community of Brawley only when our city can provide “news” in the entertaining form of political controversy (May 24). How delightful it would be if a Times reporter could follow California 86 south when we have community consensus.

Concerning the article on Measure R, what is important to note is that the people who are against the sale of alcohol in public recreation areas and the people who promote it do not disagree in their intent, which is to bolster our city. What we disagree on is method.

As the entire country is implementing measures banning alcohol in public places, it is too bad that some well-meaning, but uninformed individuals seek to establish this hazard in spaces which are utilized by the Girl Scouts, public schools and children’s recreation programs. There is a long history of community support for children in Brawley’s public parks, but no precedent for the sale of alcohol.


I do not know how the city of Brawley would combat the liability it would be exposed to if Measure R should pass. I do know that our community has the talent and intelligence to reach a workable solution without being represented by this paper as a bunch of hee-haws. We are not teetotalers and rednecks facing off with pitchforks for the amusement of urbanites. We are good friends who presently disagree.


