
SIMI VALLEY : Unhealthful Smog Levels Are Reached

Smog levels in Simi Valley and Moorpark soared into the unhealthful range Saturday, prompting the Ventura County Air Pollution Control District to issue a health advisory warning residents to curtail outdoor activities.

A health advisory was not expected for today, but smog levels were predicted to remain high, officials said.

The county issues health advisories when ozone levels exceed 138 on the pollution standard index. Saturday, ozone levels in the Simi Valley and Moorpark areas reached a high of 146 on the index, officials said.


“The forecast will be in the unhealthful range unless conditions change,” said Gary Arcemont, an air pollution meteorologist for the county.

Saturday’s increased smog levels resulted from a shift in wind direction, when sea breezes from the west were replaced with winds blowing east from the San Fernando Valley, Arcemont said.

All Simi Valley and Moorpark residents, including healthy adults and children, were warned not to partake in vigorous exercise or outdoor activities that would greatly increase their breathing rate. Activities such as jogging, soccer, calisthenics and competitive swimming were discouraged.


Exercising when pollution levels are high can lead to headaches, burning eyes, difficulty in breathing, or more serious consequences in the elderly or those who suffer from chronic respiratory problems, officials warned.
