
Special Interests Win in Port Hueneme

What is wrong with Washington is what is wrong with Port Hueneme. After the voters reject a tax increase, the City Council quickly and stealthily votes one in anyway. The message is clear: The citizens just don’t know what is good for them. Once again, special interests win and the taxpayer has yet another burden to support the insatiable appetite of government.

(The “Save Our Police” crowd was well-organized and spent a lot of money to persuade the voters that the city just has to have its very own Police Department). The only thing saving the taxpayer was the two-thirds requirement to pass a tax increase the people of California had previously voted into place--a measure passed to help protect citizens against well-organized, big-spending, special interests.

So when the “Save Our Police” crowd appealed to the City Council for a special utilities tax to the tune of $500,000 a year, the council agreed. Not a single nay vote. Sounds a lot like how things work in Washington. The bureaucrats know what is best for us whether we like it or not.


It is time to “Save the City” and vote the bums out.


Port Hueneme
