
COLLEGE FOOTBALL ’94 / Season Previews : Lambright Did Little to Stop Garrett’s Run for Heisman

In USC’s Heritage Hall, Mike Garrett’s Heisman Trophy rests in a display case, along with those won by Charles White and Marcus Allen.

O.J. Simpson’s was on display, until it was stolen July 28.

Washington football Coach Jim Lambright, who played for Washington in the mid-1960s, says he deserves to have a small piece of Garrett’s Heisman, after a contribution he made in the 1965 USC-Washington game at Seattle.

“I was a 180-pound outside linebacker then, and Garrett came right for me, made a great move to the outside--and he just froze me,” he said.


“I sort of crumpled forward, and fell on my face. Garrett went for about 70 yards. I looked pretty comical in the films on Monday, and everyone had their laughs.”

USC won the game, 34-0.

Garrett is now USC’s athletic director.
