
Mendocino Memory

Your article about Mendocino (Weekend Escape, June 5) was intriguing, so when the two-week 1994 Mendocino Music Festival was listed in “California Corner” (July 3), we decided to couple exploration with culture. The festival was magnificient with varied musical fare, professionally presented and very well organized. The area is beautiful and has ample housing to suit all tastes and finances, and excellent dining is available at Little River Inn, Albion River Inn and in Mendocino.


San Marino

John Smith responded to my letter (deploring “kid-hostile” establishments) without appearing to have read it (Letters, July 31). But his peevish anti-kid comments illustrate the point I made in praising Shawn Hubler’s original article, which advised families away from B&Bs; in Mendocino (where children are somewhat less than welcome). More warnings on family-unfriendly destinations would assist families in determining which places to avoid and spare Mr. Smith the trauma of seeing children at his next B&B.;


Culver City
