Mexican, Cuban Immigration
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* Your Aug. 27 editorial claims that Gov. Pete Wilson’s analogy regarding President Clinton’s attitude toward Cuban refugees versus illegal immigration from Mexico “doesn’t wash”! Have we changed our foreign policy to favor the acceptance of illegal immigrants because they need a job over the acceptance of an immigrant who escapes from an oppressive regime?
Beverly Hills
* “Border Brouhaha” once again exposes your anti-Republican stance and superficial treatment of a vital issue for the future of California. Illegal immigration and protection of our national borders are a federal obligation, which are not only virtually ignored, but the costs of providing for these illegals are shoved off on the states.
Next you opine that Wilson does not acknowledge that Californians use illegal immigrants for cheap labor. We passed a law creating sanctions on employers who knowingly employ illegals; however, the reason this does not work is that anyone can obtain a forged green card, Social Security card or other ID in 20 minutes, as a recent TV expose revealed, but no federal government action!
If the illegals were prevented from coming here, perhaps some of our lazy unemployed might be pushed to work instead of just living off unemployment benefits. I am not an employer, so have no bone to pick in this regard, but merely an overtaxed individual who migrated to this great country and state 45 years ago, having to wait for a quota opening, prove financial capability and also undergo a severe medical exam and, oh yes, was drafted while I still wasn’t a citizen and served in the U.S. Army.
Illegal immigration is not a state obligation but definitely a federal one. I can only feel that the federal inaction is due to some tacit agreement between the U.S. and Mexican governments to relieve pressure on Mexico due to overpopulation.
Marina del Rey
* Your editorial attacked the messenger, Gov. Wilson, not the real problem. The problem is the corruption in Mexico and the lack of political will of the Mexican people! It is easy for illegal aliens to picket office buildings in Century City in an effort to gain every economic benefit that they can squeeze out of this country. It would take courage for these same people to picket government offices in Mexico to protest the political, military and police corruption that is so prevalent!
Los Angeles
* I urge all legal immigrants and naturalized citizens to stand with your undocumented brothers and sisters and vote no on Prop. 187. You may want to distance yourselves from the powerless illegals and tell yourself that you have nothing in common. But I tell you that should Prop. 187 pass, you will be next. All laws can be changed.
This initiative has nothing to do with legal and illegal, and everything to do with color, race and language. Stop Prop. 187 backers now before they devour the weak and helpless; because if you don’t, you’ll soon see them turn their baleful glare your way.