
SIMI VALLEY : Schools to Tap Adult Education Funds

The Simi Valley Unified School District board has decided to take more than $450,000 from the adult education program’s budget to offset the district’s $3.2-million deficit, but class offerings will not be affected, officials said.

The board voted 4 to 1 to initiate the one-time transfer of funds, with board member Doug Crosse objecting.

Crosse said it was unfair to take money from a program that has carefully and efficiently managed its funds. Adult education officials have saved more than $4.5 million during recent years.


“Just because it is legal, I don’t think it is a fair thing to do,” Crosse said.

The transfer of funds was made possible by a recent change in state law allowing a 10% shift in adult-education revenue to kindergarten through 12th grade programs.

Adult education officials had hoped to use the $450,000 for building and maintenance improvements.
