
Newt Gingrich

* In “Life Under House Speaker Newt Gingrich” (Column Left, Sept. 13), Bruce F. Freed warns that if the GOP takes control of the House, committees will be eliminated, congressional staffs slashed, taxes lowered, special interest lobbyists restricted and administrative scandals investigated. Bruce, for those of us living outside the Beltway, what’s the bad news?


Garden Grove

* After reading Freed’s column on what changes would follow a Gingrich-led House of Representatives, I phoned the congressman’s office to find out if he is in fact a term-limits supporter.

Not only was I told that he is but that he is a co-sponsor of a bill to limit terms in the House and Senate to 12 years. Then why, one might ask, is he running for reelection if he has already served 15 years?


One change that a Newt-led House will not bring is less hypocrisy.


Studio City

* I call for us to rise as one voice in stopping the nefarious Gingrich. How dare he seriously think we would support any effort to shrink the congressional budget and staff or put an end to absentee voting in committees! Where does he get off thinking we’d approve of anti-tax measures, restricted contributions from the lobbying firms, or (eek!) term limits?

But the crusher, as far as I’m concerned, would be in making grass-roots lobbying the “in” form. This could lead to an informed electorate or, even worse, responsible representation. We could no longer sit idly by while a handful of self-serving bureaucrats stuff their pockets while dealing away our future.


