
Issues: Harman’s Stance on Controlling Handguns Is Defended

Regarding the Westside Watch “Targeting Harman” (Sept. 15): Obviously Ed Worley, coordinator of NRA Members Councils in California, is not aware of what is going on in the world.

A few examples: In Chicago, an 11-year-old child kills a teen-ager with a 9-millimeter semiautomatic and is then murdered himself. In Houston, a police officer is left blind in one eye and deaf in one ear after being shot by a man opening fire on the first person to walk into the station lobby.

In Denver, a pawn shop places an ad in the local paper promoting “back-to-school bargains on handguns.” High schools all over the country are installing metal detectors at front doors to prevent guns on campus. In San Francisco, a state appeals court lets a widow sue the state for allegedly failing to check the records of her husband, a former mental patient, who bought a handgun and then killed himself. A psychiatrist states that guns are a culprit in suicides--55% of the teen-age boys who commit suicide do so with a firearm.


The proliferation of guns has created a major health hazard. Sorry, Mr. Worley, but I am thankful to be represented by Congresswoman Jane Harman, someone who shares my concern about the quality of life in our country. Your comment that “it will not be difficult to get anyone to volunteer against Jane Harman. I can tell you that” is totally inappropriate and irresponsible.

