
Drug Searches at School Unnecessary

Recently the (Newport-Mesa Unified School District) board for Corona del Mar High School and the Newport Beach Police Department came to an agreement on a very controversial issue. They have decided to allow police dogs to sniff students’ lockers and vehicles at random times during the year. Being a sophomore at CDMHS, I think this is a bad idea.

I have attended CDMHS since eighth grade and have never seen or heard of students bringing drugs on campus.

A week ago my journalism class interviewed our principal, whose opinion was that our school has never had a problem with drugs.


So, if it’s not broken, why fix it?

The principal’s response was that the dogs provided a further deterrent to drug use.

I feel this program is unwarranted. It gives CDMHS a undeserved bad reputation.

Despite being one of the smallest schools in Southern California we are among the highest ranking scholastically and in sports.

Although this program will cost the school district nothing, it will tarnish our school’s image.

