
Leader of Mormons Reaffirms Primacy of Church Teachings : Interview: After being chosen president and prophet in June, Howard W. Hunter reached out to disaffected members. But he still upholds authority of the hierarchy.

If one thing has characterized the tenure of Howard W. Hunter as the new president and prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, it has been his call to disaffected Mormons to return to the church.

“To those who have transgressed or offended, we say come back! To those who are hurt and struggling and afraid, we say let us stand with you and dry your tears,” Hunter said in June after he was elected to the top post of the 8.8-million-member church.

Hunter, 86, is believed by Mormons to be God’s living prophet on Earth, just as Moses was during biblical times.


For this reason, those who seek reforms within the church--including the admission of women to the Mormon priesthood and greater freedom to question the doctrines of the church--were cautiously optimistic when Hunter struck a chord of reconciliation. In the last several years leading up to Hunter’s election, at least seven Mormons were excommunicated for publicly challenging church teaching.

in his first major interview since his election, Hunter, mild-mannered and gentle, was nonetheless unbending in reaffirming the primacy of the church’s teachings over individual conscience, the authority of the hierarchy and the appropriateness of ecclesiastical sanctions against those who cross the line.

Hunter spoke to Times Religion Writer Larry B. Stammer this week during a trip to Pasadena to meet with area Mormons. Following are excerpts from that interview:


Question: You beckoned those who have set themselves apart from the church to return home. How do you think this theme of reconciliation is being received by your flock?

Hunter: My observation is it’s been received wholeheartedly.

Q: Are you concerned, as some other church people are, about an erosion of moral purpose and of hierarchical authority? A lot of Catholics, for example, say they do not agree with this or that policy that comes from the Vatican.

Hunter: We have concern, yes. We have concern . . . that morals are being eroded among young people, particularly. We teach the principle that these things are wrong. Now when it comes to the matter of taking them up in the church, we do not have a split of opinion among the membership. We’re united. The membership of the church . . . sustains and follows the teachings of those in authority.


Q: Is there any concern that you need to very clearly draw a line now to avoid the controversy and disagreement that you might see in the Roman Catholic Church? Is it important to nip it in the bud?

Hunter: Yes. We follow it (dissent) carefully in the church. We attempt to set aside (differences) and be united entirely on matters which have been considered by the authorities of the church.

Q: As you know, some Catholic theologians have been barred from teaching in Catholic universities by the Pope because they departed from Catholic orthodoxy. (Mormons have imposed similar restrictions on Mormon theologians.) Where does academic freedom and freedom of inquiry cross the line into apostasy and how difficult is it to draw that line?

Hunter: That’s a concern that’s talked about within the leadership of the church. Now there are many who think they don’t have academic freedom. In some sense that requires a definition of academic freedom. But where there is an outspoken opposition to that which has been announced by the church’s policy, we take action on it. We think that is a matter which should be handled by a council . . . that handles judicial matters, that they (theologians or others) be in conformity with the teachings of the church. If they’re not they’ll be subject to disciplinary action--and usually are.

Q: There have been occasions in the past when some churches have recanted certain teachings. Galileo comes to mind--when the Roman Catholic Church hundreds of years later said it was wrong in punishing Galileo for saying the earth revolved around the sun. Is it possible in light of continuing revelation that the Mormon Church may change its opposition to women in the priesthood?

Hunter: At the present time there isn’t an avenue of ever changing. It’s too well defined by revelation, by Scripture. And we follow strictly the scriptural passageway in matters of that kind. I see nothing that will lead to a change of direction at the present time--or in the future.


Q: As prophet and seer of the church, do you see yourself as speaking infallibly? And how would you define infallible?

Hunter: That’s an interesting question. I’ll answer the first part. I would not presume to hold myself (personally) as infallible, except on matters that are clearly defined by Scripture and by revelations. When (infallible) things are defined, we feel that the answer is scriptural and scripturally placed. Then, we take a strong stand. As far as infallibility is concerned, the officers of the church and the Council of the Twelve will support the First Presidency (Hunter and two of his counselors) without question or difference of opinion. There would be one opinion. . . . There’s a powerful unity in the leadership of the church that is followed without deviation by the membership.

Q: How do you approach your tenure as president and prophet in view of your age and the condition of your health. Are you concerned?

Hunter: Yes, I’m concerned. Yet there is the longstanding chain of events that lead up to calling the person who is selected. They take the apostle who is the oldest in terms of tenure or seniority. And it’s been that way.

Q: To what do you attribute the growth of your church?

Hunter: I think it’s the interest that is generated by the membership of the church, largely.

Of course, we have an aggressive missionary program. Missionaries, largely young people between the ages of 19 and 21 . . . go on missions for the church and give their time for a two-year period. That’s a great factor (in church growth). Our young people consider (missions) an obligation that they have in their education. Some can hardly wait for the day and time to come around so they can go. Other churches have a system whereby they pay expenses and some pay the salaries of missionaries. We don’t do either. . . . (Mormon missionaries) go because they want to go and consider it a privilege. And so we interview very carefully with respect to morals, in particular. . . . We have these clean, young people who respond morally. They have to live a good life to be called to go.


Q: I understand that a young Mormon may be barred from missionary work if he or she has had even one sexual indiscretion. Previously, one indiscretion would result in a one-year delay. Why the tightened standard?

Hunter: I don’t know if I can give you a reason for that. . . . But we find that in order to combat the violation of moral codes, we have to take a strong stand.

Q: The Mormon Church has long been known and respected for its emphasis on the family as the basic building block of society. Now you seem to be placing even more emphasis on it.

Hunter: We’ve placed great emphasis on that in recent years because we believe it’s basic. Society’s been changed and for those who give a listening ear in trying to hold the line on morals etc., it’s caused them to (take a) deeper stand and a more urgent stand concerning this. . . . Basically, there is the matter of righteousness and unrighteous conduct. The two can’t be reconciled unless heed is given to that which is right. . . . That’s why we have given attention as we do to the family.
