
Clinton Offers Tax Cut Plan for Middle Class : Presidency: He calls for a mix of child credits and school-aid deductions but fails to detail the financing.


President Clinton, in an effort to reclaim the allegiance of middle-income voters, proposed a series of personal tax cuts Thursday but did not offer a detailed plan to pay for them.

Clinton’s middle-class tax cuts include a $500-per-child tax credit for children under the age of 13 and tax deductions for as much as $10,000 a year in post-high school education costs.

He also proposed expanding individual retirement accounts and consolidating all of the government’s job training programs into a single plan that would provide training vouchers for those who lose their jobs.


All the tax proposals, in what Clinton called his “middle-class bill of rights,” would take effect Jan. 1, 1996.

In an 11-minute address from the Oval Office, Clinton expressed sympathy for the millions of Americans who have not benefited from the current economic recovery and are “hurting, frustrated, disappointed, even angry.”

Speaking from a desk in front of holiday decorations and family photographs, Clinton delivered another talk designed to reverse a perilous political slide. He preached a new, conservative doctrine of tax cuts and reductions in government with all the fervor of a foxhole convert.


However, since Clinton did not outline hard choices on spending cuts to compensate for the revenue loss that would result from the tax cuts, he is in the position of underbidding the Republicans without being able to claim that he is any more responsible than the opposition in holding down the federal budget deficit.

The major competing GOP plan, the House Republicans’ “contract with America,” calls for a $500-per-child tax credit for all dependent children, not just those under 13. Families with incomes of as much as $200,000 a year would qualify for the Republican tax credit, compared with a $75,000 income ceiling under Clinton’s plan.

Clinton estimated that his plan would cost about $60 billion in lost revenue over its first five years. House Republicans have estimated that the five-year cost of their plan, which also includes a capital gains tax cut, would be $147 billion.


Although Clinton had declared explicitly that he would not propose a tax cut that would increase the federal deficit, he offered only vague promises of future spending cuts as the means to finance the bulk of his tax package--something that he has accused the Republicans of doing.

Specifically, Clinton called for these tax cuts:

* A $500 credit for each child under the age of 13 for all families with incomes of $60,000 or less. Families with incomes between $60,000 and $75,000 would be entitled to a reduced credit. Families with more income would get none.

* A provision that would allow families with annual incomes of as much as $100,000 to deduct $10,000 in college tuition expenses from their taxable income each year. Families with incomes between $100,000 and $120,000 could take a smaller deduction.

“Just as we made mortgage interest income deductible because we want people to own homes, we should make college tuition deductible because we want people to go to college,” Clinton said.

* An IRA deduction of $4,000 ($2,000 for a single taxpayer) for all couples with incomes up to $100,000. Taxpayers would be permitted to withdraw IRA funds without penalty not only for retirement but also for education, catastrophic illnesses, the purchase of a first home or the care of an elderly parent.

“Even though the economic statistics are moving up, most of our living standards aren’t,” Clinton said in his brief talk. “It’s almost as if some Americans are being punished for their productivity in this new economy. We have got to change that. More jobs aren’t enough. We have to raise incomes.”


Accordingly, the President said, he was proposing a “middle-class bill of rights” to provide tax relief and federal assistance for education and job training.

In the Republican response to the Clinton speech, newly elected Sen. Fred Thompson of Tennessee mocked Clinton for having said before the November election that tax cuts were unjustified and irresponsible.

“From what we heard tonight, the President’s vision for the future now looks a lot like what Republicans just campaigned for--at least until we start looking at the details,” Thompson said.

“Your vote this election apparently got the President’s attention. If the President’s new position tonight represents a real change of heart we say, ‘Welcome aboard.’ ”

But the former prosecutor and actor added a veiled threat: “We welcome the President to help us lead America in a new direction. But if he will not, we will welcome the President to follow--because we are moving ahead.”

“Welcome aboard” were the two words most often uttered by Orange County Republicans who responded to the President’s proposals.


“The Republican Congress will reduce taxes and slash government spending,” said Rep. Christopher Cox (R-Newport Beach), the incoming chairman of the House Republican Policy Committee. “If the President signs our legislation, he will deserve a share of the credit.”

But Cox also said that while Clinton has moved more to the right, the center of the debate also has shifted since the Nov. 8 election that resulted in Republicans gaining control of Congress.

Noting that key Republicans have proposed abolishing the income tax or instituting a 17% “flat tax,” Cox said the “tinkering of the margins that comprise the President’s proposals looks timid in comparison.”

So anti-climactic was Clinton’s speech, however, that two of the three Orange County congressmen who offered their assessments did so even before the President addressed the national television audience.

“He’s come aboard on what’s a Republican issue,” said Rep. Ron Packard (R-Oceanside), before the speech. Packard said he is not worried about who gets the credit for cutting taxes because “I think everybody in America knows this is part of our (Republican) agenda.”

But Packard also issued a challenge to Clinton.

“We will cooperate on the middle-income tax cut and then we are going to turn right around and ask him to cooperate with us on a capital gains tax cut,” he said, advocating a proposal not favored by Democrats.


Rep. Ed Royce (R-Fullerton) said he also welcomes the President’s apparent conversion to a more responsive and less top-heavy kind of government.”

“This was, after all, clearly the message sent by the voters when they sent the GOP majority to Washington,” Royce said. “It’s good to know that everyone has heard it, all the way to the top.”

Administration officials said that the money to compensate for the tax cut would come from streamlining five government agencies and from extending a freeze on “discretionary” spending for two additional years, 1999 and 2000. The agency consolidations would provide about $24 billion over five years, while Clinton said that the extension of the discretionary cap would bring in $52 billion in savings in 1999 and 2000.

Aides said that the $16 billion in excess savings would be used to reduce the federal budget deficit.

Discretionary spending is a broad category that covers programs from defense spending to highway construction that can easily be adjusted, year by year. It excludes programs, including Social Security and welfare, that entitle certain individuals to federal benefits.

Administration officials acknowledged that calling for a discretionary spending cap falls short of proposing specific spending cuts to comply with that cap. In effect, Clinton was saying that he would propose a lower level of overall discretionary spending in future years--and would decide how to reduce that spending in those years.


What’s more, the spending reductions would not go into effect until three years after the tax cut first had kicked in--in the final two years of a second Clinton term in office.

Despite earlier discussions about reductions in spending for Medicare and Medicaid, the federal health care programs for the elderly and the poor emerged unscathed.

In his bid to save $24 billion by consolidating and streamlining agencies, Clinton would not eliminate any departments.

Rather, he has ordered a “major restructuring” at the departments of Energy, Transportation and Housing and Urban Development. The General Services Administration and the Office of Personnel Management also would be subject to sizable cuts, officials said.

The President also would turn over to private industry the air traffic control system run by the Federal Aviation Administration and the Energy Department’s emergency petroleum reserve.

Finally, Clinton would consolidate roughly $12 billion in job training programs administered by the Labor Department into a single program that would funnel grants of $2,000 to $3,000 to those who had lost their jobs or wanted to change careers. They could then spend the money on a broad array of programs without having to deal with a federal or local bureaucracy.


Some senior Administration officials conceded privately that they were “uncomfortable” with the President’s proposal. Some said that they see potential damage from the proposal to the Administration’s credibility on deficit reduction.

White House Chief of Staff Leon E. Panetta repeatedly has argued that the GOP approach to paying for its “contract with America” tax cut proposal--a cap on spending for entitlement programs coupled with a constitutional amendment requiring a balanced federal budget--represented “policy gimmicks” because cuts were not specified to comply with spending limits.

As recently as last Sunday, Clinton promised to avoid such budgetary sleight of hand.

“I intend to propose (a middle-class tax cut) as long as I can pay for it,” Clinton said Sunday in his last public appearance, a news conference at the close of the hemispheric summit in Miami. “I do not want to see this deficit start going up again.”

Times staff writers Edwin Chen and Gebe Martinez contributed to this report.

* CRAFTING AN IMAGE: Clinton casts himself as backer of ‘forgotten middle class.’ A12


The President’s Package

In his nationally televised address, President Clinton proposed a $60-billion mix of new tax credits and deductions, mainly for families with children and college students. Some highlights:

EDUCATION: Allows parents earning up to $100,000 annually to deduct $10,000 a year in tuition for college or other post-high school education.

CHILD CREDIT: Provides $500-per-child tax credit for all children age 13 in families with an adjusted gross income up to $60,000 a year.


IRA: Allows individuals earning up to $100,000 annually to claim up to a $2,000 deduction for putting money into individual retirement accounts.

PAYING FOR IT: Calls for $24 billion from cuts in federal agencies, $52 billion from extending a freeze on all federal discretionary spending in 1999 and 2000. Extra $16 billion goes toward deficit reduction.

Replay Clinton’s Speech

* To hear President Clinton’s speech to the nation Thursday outlining his goals for the next two years, call TimesLine at 808-8463 and enter category * 1850

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