
LYNWOOD : Baby Delivered Safely After Mother’s Angioplasty

He was delivered by Cesarean section just after doctors performed lifesaving surgery on his mother’s heart, and weighed in at a scant 4 pounds, 7 ounces.

But the prematurely delivered son of Maria Luz-Duran may be home in time for Christmas.

Luz-Duran, 36, of Lynwood, was recuperating in the intensive care unit of St. Francis Medical Center on Friday.

“It’s a miracle. They did the angioplasty and then when the baby got into trouble, they took him,” Luz-Duran said.


She was worried about going through the operations, but never considered not doing it, she said. “I did it for the baby,” she said.

Luz-Duran was scheduled to be released before Sunday. The infant also could be home in time for the holiday if he is able to gain some weight and maintain body temperature, said Dr. David Vogel.
