
Los Angeles Times Special Quake Report: One Year Later : California State University Northridge

Research by NONA YATES / Los Angeles Times

Total damage estimate: $350 million.

All 53 major structures on campus were damaged. The university reopened buildings by priority: Library, science labs, classrooms, faculty offices and administration.

The most seriously damaged buildings:

Administration: Closed indefinitely Oviatt Library Wings: Closed indefinitely Fine Arts: Closed indefinitely Computer center: Closed indefinitely Parking Structure C: Scheduled for demolition University Tower Apts.: Scheduled for demolition


* Damage: minor plaster cracks to permanent structural damage.

* Damaged buildings: approximately 5,600, at an estimated cost of $100 to $150 million.

* Repairs: should be completed by Sept. 30, 1996

* Reconstruction: on the two most heavily damaged schools, Kennedy High, and Van Gogh Elementary, is expected by 1998


Ghost Towns

17 neighborhoods of vacant, wrecked buildings with an increase in vandalism, thefts and vagrants.

Buildings: 301, encompassing 7,331 housing units. Funds have been committed for 70%; construction has begun on 125 buildings; and construction has been completed on 19.

* FEMA/Office of Emergency Services: Dedicated $6.5 million to provide building board-ups, debris clean-up, fencing and security.


* Los Angeles Housing Dept.: Received applications for loans totaling $78 million, $36.6 million in loans have been closed; $9.2 million have been made and $32.1 million are being processed.

* Small Business Administration: Received 402 loan applications, approved 228 for $71 million; of that $17.3 million has been disbursed.

* HUD: Allocated $225 million for repair and reconstruction of ghost town areas in Los Angeles and Santa Monica.


Medical Facilities

* Hospital and health facilities: Suffered $3.2 billion in damages; 23 hospital and health facilities were red- or yellow-tagged.

* Patients: Approximately 10,177 were treated and released in local hospital emergency rooms, over 1600 people were hospitalized.

* St. John’s Hospital and Health Center in Santa Monica reopened in October at half the original size.

* The Sepulveda Veteran’s Administration Hospital remains closed.

* The Psychiatric Hospital and Pediatric Pavilion at Los Angeles County/USC Medical Center remain closed.

Sources: CSUN; Los Angeles City Housing Dept., Small Business Administration OSHPD, L.A. County Dept. of Health Services, Hospital Council of Southern Calif.; Office of Statewide Planning & Development
