
Library Poll Opens Doors

As recently as three months ago, the city of Ventura reconfirmed its decision that it would not fund increased hours at Foster and Wright libraries. In spite of the fact that every library in the county (even smaller libraries) was open more hours than Wright and Foster libraries.

All of this changed when a group of concerned citizens met with Trish Cavanaugh, community relations and volunteer coordinator for the Ventura County Library Services Agency, and a survey questionnaire was composed. With the help of many volunteers and supporters the survey was taken, results collated and the public was informed of the overwhelming support for increased hours at both libraries.

Both Dixie Adeniran, director of the county library system, and Cavanaugh are to be commended for having the foresight to realize that millions of dollars deducted from the library budget cannot be recouped (even in a small amount) without the overwhelming support of the public. The survey asked what the public wanted and the overwhelming response supported increased hours at both libraries. This acted as a catalyst for the majority of the City Council members who responded to their constituents by funding $145,000 for increased hours at both libraries.


Let us hope that in 1995 the City Council continues to respond to the needs of its constituents and that the library system continues to assess and meet the needs of its patrons.

Julianna Krolak, Ventura
