
GLENDALE : Officials Seek Input on Downtown Plan

City officials are asking residents and business people for their opinions on what types of stores and businesses are needed to spruce up and revive Glendale’s downtown area.

Councilman Larry Zarian and Rick Reyes, chairman of the Glendale Redevelopment Agency, will speak about the future of downtown and ask for the public’s input during a forum at 7 p.m. Thursday at City Hall.

“We’ve been studying the downtown area for quite a while now and we want to ask the public what kinds of stores they want, what kinds of businesses we need to bring to the redevelopment area in order to make it work,” Zarian said.


The downtown area was the focus of the Greater Glendale Strategic Plan, a $350,000 study that was adopted by the City Council last year. Its recommendations are expected to be implemented over the next 10 to 15 years.

The study outlines different areas of the city that can benefit from specific types of commercial, retail and other development.

The downtown area also is where several major retail developments are planned.

Some, such as a two-block outdoor shopping area at Brand Boulevard and Broadway and the second phase of the Glendale City Center, are expected to take shape within the next few years.


Others, such as the expansion of the Glendale Galleria, may take longer, officials said.
