
HUNTINGTON PARK : Center Offers Free Business Seminars

The Huntington Park Business Assistance Center will host free seminars for the next three Tuesdays for business people in Huntington Park and South Gate.

The topics are:

* Tuesday, “Developing a Successful Marketing Plan.” Advertising professionals will discuss how to increase the visibility of a small business and how to network with larger corporations.

* March 14, “Computerizing Your Small Business.” The course will review special computer programs for mailing lists and bookkeeping and how to select a computer for business needs.


* March 21, “Opportunities for Small Businesses in the Alameda Corridor.” A panel of experts, including representatives from the ports, the government and the Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority, will discuss how to tap into the $1.8-billion transportation project.

The city-funded assistance center provides free technical, bilingual help for small-business owners and managers in Huntington Park and surrounding cities.

All meetings are at the center, 6330 Pacific Blvd., Suite 209, from 6 to 8:30 p.m.

Information: (213) 585-3856.
