
Litton Receives Contracts Totaling $34 Million

Litton Industries Inc., a Woodland Hills defense concern, announced two contracts worth a combined $34 million.

Litton’s Guidance and Control Systems Division, also in Woodland Hills, was awarded a $30-million contract to continue production of guidance units for the U. S. Navy’s Tomahawk cruise missile and to develop a successor guidance system.

The company said the program could blossom into more than $200 million in orders in the next decade. The work is being subcontracted to Litton through Hughes Missile Systems Co., the primary contractor on the Tomahawk.


Litton has provided guidance units on the missiles since they were first built in 1976. The units provide inertial navigation information to guide the missiles to their targets. The new system includes laser gyros and global-satellite receivers to provide accuracy within a few yards.

Litton’s Electron Devices Division has been awarded a contract valued at more than $4 million from Westinghouse Electric Corp. to provide more than 500 microwave tubes to upgrade the radar on F-16 aircraft for NATO countries and Taiwan.
