
City Seeks Applicants for Cable TV Panel

The City Council is seeking residents to serve on a panel that advises the Garden Grove Cable Television Corp. about community programming on Channel 3A, the municipal cable channel.

One seat is vacant on the Community Access Advisory Committee, whose seven members are appointed by the council for two-year terms.

Knowledge of television production is not necessary to be considered for appointment. An applicant must be at least 18 years old and a Garden Grove resident. Application forms are available at the city clerk’s office at City Hall, 11391 Acacia Parkway.


The advisory panel has been credited for such popular programs as documentaries on the Girls and Boys Clubs of Garden Grove, local charities and high school sports.

Channel 3A reaches about 19,000 residents who subscribe to Paragon Cable, holder of the local cable television franchise.

The Cable Television Corp., which operates Channel 3A, is a nonprofit agency run by a board of directors consisting of council members and one representative from the community.
