
MOORPARK : New City Bus to Start Its Routes in July

A new city bus will be wheeling its way through the streets of Moorpark in July.

Hoping to reduce the $96,000 a year the city spends to use a bus and driver from the Antelope Valley Bus Service to cover its bus route, Moorpark council members voted unanimously to buy the city a bus of its own.

Scheduling, routes and fares will not be affected.

The 21-seat bus, with two wheelchair stations, will cost about $57,000, city officials said. With their own bus and driver, the city expects to save about 20% of what it currently spends on city bus service.

“Not only will we save money, but we’ll have a lot more flexibility,” said Councilman John Wozniak. “We won’t have to go through extensive negotiations every time we want to change a route for instance.”
