
Free Rides Offered for St. Patrick’s Day Tipplers

If you’re planning on painting the town green, there are several sane exits from St. Patrick’s Day, including paddy wagons.

Donated by Budget Rent A Car Corp. and driven by off-duty LAPD officers in plain clothes, 22 white vans decorated with green shamrocks will offer free rides home to patrons at bars and restaurants citywide.

“Our goal is not to arrest people, but to ensure they, as well as others on the road, will make it home safely,” said Officer Tom Souza of the Valley Traffic Division, who developed the program.


Paddy wagon shuttles start at 8 p.m. for early tipplers and close at 2 a.m. for those who spend a little more time at it. All it takes to summon one is to call 1-(800) 70-PADDY.

A designated-driver program, promoted year-round by chapters of Mothers Against Drunk Drivers, enlists Southern California hotels and restaurants, asking them to offer free nonalcoholic beverages to a selected driver in partying groups.

“St. Patrick’s Day is rapidly approaching New Year’s Eve in the number of alcohol-related traffic fatalities,” said Karen Cullie, executive director of the Los Angeles County Chapter of MADD.


The Airport Marina Resort Hotel and Tower will initiate a new program called “Car Keys Cover Charge” at the door. Everyone who enters the bar will deposit his car keys as a “cover charge” that will be refunded at the time of departure if the patron is sober. The bar will provide a free ride home if a guest has had too much alcohol.

Los Angeles area law enforcement officers will conduct sobriety checkpoints tonight as part of a countywide effort to curb drunken driving.

Instead of a trip to the slammer or morgue, party-goers should consider these free transportation options, in addition to those mentioned above:


* Prime Time Shuttle (800) RED--VANS

* United Independent Taxi (213) 483-7674

* City Cab (818) 584-1000

* Arrive Alive and Safe Rides (for teen-agers under 18 only) (310) 271-9999
