
Countywide : ‘Prop. 187’ Play Pokes Fun at Recent Initiative

Actores de Santa Ana will present “Prop. 187 . . . Save Our State,” a play about the proposition that was approved by voters in November.

The play, which is being promoted as political satire, centers on a boxing match between the Pilgrim Kid and Kid Mexican. Messages from the State Bear, the Statue of Liberty and Mother Nature are presented between rounds, and in the end, the Pilgrim Kid wins, director Louie Olivos Jr. said.

The public is invited to the performance at the United Methodist Church, 701 S. Patron St., Santa Ana. Cost is $10 per adult. Children will be admitted for free.


Shows are 7 p.m. Friday, Saturday and March 31 and 3 p.m. Sunday and April 2.
