
Red Cross Chapter Recruits Volunteers

After the string of disasters that have hit Southern California in the past two years, the American Red Cross of Ventura County is waging an aggressive campaign to attract new volunteers this spring.

Volunteer Chairman Lois Stephens said the Red Cross is seeking people of all ages who have time to donate--from a couple of hours each month to weeks at a stretch.

“The volunteers we have who are trained have put in so many hours recently that they’re just exhausted,” she said. “We need new people to train.”


Opportunities in the organization include teaching life-saving skills, providing general administrative help and providing counseling, food and shelter to disaster victims.

The local chapter is holding an orientation meeting Tuesday for new volunteers.

Volunteer office workers can start immediately after the meeting.

Those who want to assist families displaced by disasters--such as the La Conchita landslide or the Northridge earthquake--must attend disaster training in addition to the orientation.

The orientation meeting will be held from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Red Cross headquarters, 2355 Portola Road, Ventura. Reservations are encouraged but not required.


For more information, call the Red Cross at 339-2234.
