
Aiding Students

* Despite the obvious benefits of a college educated work force, Congress is considering the largest student aid cut in history. Proposals under consideration would cost families up to $20 billion over the next five years and increase student indebtedness by up to 50%.

Because the federal government provides 75% of all student aid, greater than 50% of which involves student loans, these drastic cuts will hit millions of middle-class families and prevent many from giving their children the opportunity of a college education.

Our nation’s future viability depends on the education of our citizens. Statistics show that student aid more than pays for itself by stimulating economic growth, increasing productivity, and expanding the tax base.


In addition, polls consistently indicate that there is overwhelming support for the government’s role in helping students go to college.

We hereby support the continuation of the federal government’s present participation in the campus-based and federal student-aid programs.

We support Congress’ efforts to reduce the federal deficit, but not at the expense of our children or our future.




This letter was also signed by 250 other medical students at UC Irvine.
