
A Man Called Peter

If this major league baseball strike ever gets settled, it’ll be people like Peter G. Angelos who’ll get me interested in the game again (“Baseball’s Baddest Boy,” by Pat Jordan, Feb. 26). It’s good that there’s one owner who actively lives and works according to the principles of integrity and honesty. Players and owners alike could learn from Angelos, who refuses to go along with the other owners’ willingness to put out a substandard product and thus is branded a traitor by them.

My own loyalties as a New York Mets fan evaporated with the explosion of Vince Coleman’s firecracker, so maybe I’ll do the unthinkable (remember 1969?) and become an Orioles fan.

Robert E. Lee Jr.

Vernon, Conn.


Pat Jordan’s attributes to me the phrase “those a- -holes.” Although I did say, “They are going to retaliate against me,” I absolutely did not say the objectionable phrase quoted above.


While a freewheeling and occasionally spirited discussion occurred among a group of four or five persons, including Mr. Jordan and myself, regarding the proposed Northern Virginia franchise, I at no time referred to anyone in negative or vulgar terms. I discussed this matter with Mr. Jordan and refreshed his memory, and on reflection, he agrees with me.

Other than the phrase discussed above, the article is an essentially accurate portrayal of Mr. Jordan’s two-day interview and visit with me in Baltimore last January.

Peter G. Angelos



cc: John Harrington, Jerry Reinsdorf, Michael Ilitch, Bud Selig, George Steinbrenner, John Ellis, Paul Beeston, Stan Cook, Jerry McMorris, Drayton McLane, Claude Brochu, William Giles, Fred Kuhlmann, Peter Magowan, Gene Autry, Richard Jacobs, Herk Robinson, Carl Pohlad, Walter Haas Jr., Edward (Rusty) Rose, William Bartholomay, Marge Schott, Wayne Huizenga, Peter O’Malley, Fred Wilpon, Douglas Danforth, Larry Lucchino.
