
GARDEN GROVE : City Hopes to Further Ethnic Understanding

City leaders are co-sponsoring a “living room dialogue” Wednesday to promote better understanding among the city’s various ethnic groups.

The 7 p.m. meeting at the Community Meeting Center is intended to bring together Korean and white business owners and residents to discuss ways to promote cultural understanding.

Korean Americans own about 1,300 businesses in the city, and some residents have complained that the Korean-language signs have given the city a “foreign” feel.


During a recent City Council meeting, a white resident said he was prevented from enrolling in a dance class taught by a Korean.

But these conflicts are often caused by language and cultural misunderstanding, according to Councilman Ho Chung, who is coordinating the event.

“Through these discussions . . . we will try to eliminate cultural stereotypes and gain greater understanding with one another,” Chung said.


Over the past 10 years, the city’s population has grown more diverse. The city is 20% Asian, 23% Latino and 45% white, officials said.

Blacks, Native Americans and other ethnic groups make up the remaining 12%.

The other dialogue sponsors are the St. Anselm’s Cross-Cultural Community Center, United Way, Orange County Together and the Law Enforcement Asian Advisory Committee.

The Community Meeting Center is at 1300 Stanford Ave.

For more information, call (714) 252-1242.
