
Fung’s Testimony in Simpson Case

Why does the O.J. Simpson Dream Team continue to hang on to the conspiracy theory? Now there is an allegation that Los Angeles police criminalist Dennis Fung was a party to the imagined plot. When did all of the conspiring take place? Did the plotters work all night writing a script that they could play out in court later?

As for Fung, his testimony was full of memory lapses and contradictions. It is hard to conclude, however, that these equate to an intentional effort to give false testimony under oath. It is even harder to imagine him in the role of a conspirator.


Los Angeles


Probability in the proof of facts plays an indispensable role in establishing proof.

But when a witness like Fung cannot remember basics in the circumstances as to date, safekeeping and accurately logging scientific evidence as important as the vial containing the blood of the accused, yet remembers other less important details, it seems to be sort of a selective amnesia.


Safeguards for the truth were afforded by incisive and tediously shrewd cross-examination by DNA defense attorney Barry Scheck.


Los Angeles


Shouldn’t the defense be asked what contaminants could possibly cause somebody else’s blood to contain DNA that has the identical genetic markers as Simpson’s?


Los Angeles


The so-called Simpson trial has exposed the terrible inequities in our justice system, particularly pertinent to criminal trials. Trial by jury is obsolete.


There is no such thing as a trial “by our peers.” Individually, our peers are not accessible. Does the Simpson jury have one millionaire or person from his “home” area? Of course not! Second, the present system of adversarial law practiced in front of a jury is absolutely too expensive. It also stacks the weight of justice in favor of the defendant who has the most money; the rich have a great advantage over the poor defendants.

I propose that criminal trials should be handled in this country as in the enlightened countries of the world: in front of a judge or panel of judges (depending on the severity of the crime). It is very easy to keep judges accountable; all trials should be open to the news media and public. It is time this country grew up.




One would think that the spate of stories about prosecutor Marcia Clark’s hairstyle (or defense attorney Johnnie Cochran’s suits, for that matter) belonged in supermarket tabloids or People magazine, and not in the pages of a newspaper (April 12) striving to establish new standards for journalistic excellence. But that may be expecting too much of even the most sophisticated publications in our benighted contemporary society.





Having recently returned from a trip to Ethiopia, I find the contrast between two legal proceedings quite stark. In Addis Ababa, the largest set of war crimes trials since the Nazis are moving along without much notice in the United States. On the other hand, I realized how pleased I was to be away from the hype of the Simpson trial for two weeks--and how much less I care about that event upon my return.


Port Hueneme


The expensive monotony of the Simpson trial suggests that evidence laws should prevent the endless pursuit of every fantasy by defense lawyers and that perhaps judges, like construction contractors, should be given a bonus for on-time completion.




It’s ironic that defense attorney Robert Shapiro asks, “Why is an issue being made of this?” when comment is made about his apparently racist joke about Fung (“Shapiro Remark Called Ill-Times,” April 15). The Dream Team has painted itself as dedicated to defending a client framed by a racially motivated conspiracy. Defense attorneys have been anxious to cry racism at every and any opportunity.

Shapiro’s joke confirms the suspicion that the Dream Team’s true commitment to racial justice is not focused on people of color, unless that color is green.


Los Angeles


Instead of fortune cookies, Shapiro should have distributed bagels. It would probably have avoided him being in hot water.


