
Thousands Urged to Bike to Work May 4

Several thousand Ventura County residents are expected to take their bicycles to work May 4 in conjunction with the first California Bike Commute Day.

Sponsored by the American Lung Assn., organizers have approached 220 county employers to distribute more than 30,000 pledge cards for the statewide event. Participants stand a chance of winning bicycles or gift certificates in drawings that will be held on the day of the event.

“Some 54% of Americans live five miles or less from their jobs, making commuting by bike easier than many people imagine,” said Tricia Price, a local spokeswoman for the event. “This is a very bicycle-friendly county. We’re expecting upwards of 2,000 or 3,000 people to participate.”


For those who do not own bicycles or cannot use them because of physical limitations, sponsors are asking participants to use public transportation such as buses or Metrolink trains to get to work May 4.

Price said a kick-off event at the Ventura County Government Center will be held May 2 and will feature displays of bicycles and alternative fuel vehicles.

For more information, call 656-2477.
