
COMPTON : Green Could Be Fined for Disclosure Lapses

City Councilman Ronald J. Green, who is seeking a second term, has missed two deadlines for reporting his campaign finances and may face $4,000 in fines imposed by the Fair Political Practices Commission.

Green missed deadlines March 9 and April 6 for reporting the sources of his contributions. He was the top vote-getter for the 1st Council District seat in last week’s municipal election, and will face challenger Delores Zurita in the June 6 runoff.

Green, who was appointed to the seat in 1993, said he was unfamiliar with campaign laws and had been too busy to file the disclosure reports.


“I got behind,” Green said. “And I have to be careful with this, because of the kind of scrutiny you can get here in Compton.”

According to Jeanette Turvill, spokeswoman for the FPPC, Green could be fined $2,000 for each deadline missed.
