
INS and Employers

* Re “INS to Get Tough With Employers,” May 7: One major effect of what is essentially importing labor to Southern California is that the infrastructure that has been built up here over the past decades (the roads, sewers, uninterrupted electrical power, schools and facilities, etc.) will get “used up” because the underground economy does not pay sufficient taxes to keep it in repair.

If industry were forced to go to where the labor is, such as is being done in Southeast Asia, these improvements would have to be made in the emerging country. As it is, we are living off our past investment, and this is a very short-term mentality. And it certainly does nothing to improve the long-term future of the country sending us workers.



* Here we go again! Compliments to Patrick McDonnell for such a balanced study of a complex problem. My problem is with the fact that this Administration continues to place solutions to complex social problems on the backs of small business.


Health care reform: Business will pay.

The environment: Business will pay.

Immigration enforcement: Business will pay and enforce.

I have a constructive idea. Deny benefits to anyone who is not a citizen with the exception of education and immunization. Those that decide to come will come to work only. After reading the above article, my days as a Democrat are numbered.


Sun Valley
