
Truancy Penalties

Re “Council Approves Fines, Driver’s License Seizure as Truancy Penalties,” May 10:

If the Board of Education and the Los Angeles Unified School District put as much time and effort into educating our children as they do in creating bureaucracies overseen by highly paid administrators, we wouldn’t have a truancy problem. If the truant student is already alienated by the school, what possible good is going to come from a policy of harassment and fines? If the board and the LAUSD would just take the time to find out why these students refuse to attend school, a positive solution, one that deals with the real reasons for truancy, could be found and implemented.

Maybe they can coerce students to attend school with threats, but they can’t make them learn. If students refuse to drink from the lake of knowledge, perhaps it’s because the lake is poisoned.


Woodland Hills
