
WEST ADAMS : Businesses Warm Up to Cool Metal Art

Artist Adam Levanthal on Saturday will unveil “Sculpting the Boulevard,” a collection of works fashioned by young people and adorning businesses along an industrial stretch of Adams Boulevard.

Levanthal, a metal sculptor who works out of an Adams Boulevard studio, has been working with 50 young people to produce about 15 original sculptures along Adams between La Brea and Fairfax avenues. For several months, Levanthal has conducted metal sculpture workshops at nearby St. Elmo’s Village, working with neighborhood youths to produce works that represent everything from animals to super heroes to abstract mixtures of both.

Strange stuff, says Levanthal, but creative and compelling enough to have business owners along Adams not only agree to mount the works on their facades, but also to clamor for more.


“Some [business] people were hesitant about this when we first approached them with the project,” said Levanthal. “But once they saw [the works], they really warmed up. They said, ‘These are cool! Do you have another one?’ ”

Levanthal, the artists, their parents and others will caravan from the village to West Adams, where the young people will introduce their works.

The sculptures adorn many buildings: “World Cow” is on a studio next to the Fais Do Do club; an untitled figure reminiscent of a Mighty Morphin Power Ranger decorates J&J; Burger Shack, a sea monster of sorts graces an Armenian bakery.


The unveiling will be at 3 p.m., St. Elmo’s Village, 4830 St. Elmo Drive.

Information: (213) 965-5511.
