
Orange County Almanac

The orange-crate art that once flourished in Orange County was doomed in the mid-1950s by the economics of the shipping business.

For about 70 years, orange growers in Orange County used colorful lithographs on the wooden boxes used for transporting fruit. The lithographs were from original artwork commissioned by the growers.

They typically showed multicolored scenes depicting the trademark. Often the scenes were of the picturesque Orange County landscape.


The artwork died out when packers began using cheaper cardboard containers instead of wooden crates.


A benefit for the county’s American Heart Assn. will cause some “Cardiac Arrest” at the Brea Mall.

Prominent residents will be “arrested” and jailed at the benefit for committing “crimes of the heart,” such as eating too much fat. They will be held until they raise “bail,” which will be donated to the Heart Assn.


The event runs from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Cornerstone Grill, 600 Brea Mall.

Information: (714) 856-3555.
