

Flying saucer stories may have fallen out of fashion, but Showtime’s 1994 film is no mere sci-fi hardware yarn. It dramatically re-examines the social and human side of a controversial 1947 UFO sighting that occurred outside Roswell, N.M., the then-home of the 509th (Atomic) Bombardment Group that leveled Nagasaki and Hiroshima two years earlier. What ensued was the only time that the Air Force announced that it had recovered a flying saucer, making a frantic retractment two days later. Roswell is not so much a space odyssey but the story of a man’s lost soul, that of an Air Force intelligence officer (Kyle MacLachlan, right, with Martin Sheen) doggedly searching for the truth. Directed by Jeremy Kagan (Showtime Sunday at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m.).
