
Man Held in Attempt to Kidnap Jogger : Burbank: Authorities say John Michael Lew, 34, went to elaborate steps to try to abduct a female runner.


A man who made elaborate preparations to drug, kidnap and molest an 18-year-old jogger was arrested after the victim fought him off and gave police a description of her assailant, Burbank police said Monday.

John Michael Lew, 34, of Los Angeles, was booked on suspicion of attempted kidnaping and was being held in lieu of $1 million bail after his arrest late Sunday.

Lew allegedly attacked the jogger at 11:18 p.m. on a quiet residential street and tried to drug her. Police recovered a dark jacket, ski mask and chemical substance near where Lew allegedly lay in wait for the jogger. Police said they also found handcuffs and a police radio scanner inside a car parked nearby.


“This guy went to elaborate steps to be prepared to kidnap somebody,” said Burbank Police Lt. Larry Koch. “He came up from the side and, really, it was a struggle. She punched him and kicked him. At some point, he fell or she knocked him to the ground.”

Koch declined to identify the victim, who was jogging alone in the 2900 block of North Kenneth Road, just south of Brace Canyon Park.

Lew allegedly waited for the woman behind bushes and a brick wall. He struck her in the face and then attempted to cover her mouth with a cloth soaked with a chemical that could have knocked her out, police said. Police could not identify the substance.


But the victim fought back, kicking and punching, and finally kicked Lew in the stomach, causing him to double over, police said. She broke away, running to a nearby home, and gave police a description of her attacker over the telephone.

As the attack took place, a resident alerted by the screams of the victim had called police, authorities said.

Six police officers responded and searched the area, spotting Lew as he was returning to his car, authorities said.


Lew was being held Monday in a Burbank jail. His arraignment is scheduled to take place Wednesday in Burbank Municipal Court.
