
Navy Victories

* Re “A U.S. Victory for the Record Books,” Commentary, July 11:

Thank you, James A. Barber Jr., for publicly setting the historical record straight . I was astounded by James Michener’s grossly inaccurate descriptions of three of the most significant naval battles in U.S. history (Commentary, July 4). The memory of those very brave sailors and pilots, admirals and deckhands who risked their lives to turn back the tide of the Pacific war must be accurately maintained. To comprehensively misstate what transpired some 50-plus years ago desecrates what was achieved.

I was born a decade after these great battles. Nevertheless, my father, who served honorably in World War II, always stressed the importance of knowing history. While growing up, family and friends made fun of all the “war” shows, movies and documentaries I would watch and the war books I would read. They made fun, but I learned my history.


