
CYPRESS : Advisory Issues Join Recall Ballot

In addition to deciding whether they will recall some City Council members, city voters on Nov. 7 will give their opinions on a long list of projects.

The City Council on Monday night approved a list of advisory issues to put on the special ballot for the recall election.

Votes on advisory issues are not binding; they are more like a poll to help guide the City Council as it makes money-spending decisions in the future.


These issues will be on the Nov. 7 ballot:

* Should Arnold-Cypress Park be renovated and expanded, at an estimated cost of $2.5 million?

* Should fields at Lexington Junior High, Oxford Junior High and Cypress High be renovated for soccer for a total estimated cost of $250,000?

* Should the city spend about $35 million to buy 30 acres for a new park near Katella Avenue and Valley View Street?


* Should the city spend about $3 million for a multiuse cultural arts facility?

* Should storm-drain protection be upgraded at a cost of about $3.5 million?

* Should the city lease a building for about $250,000 to provide adult day care?

* Should a $2.5-million gym and multiuse facility be built at Veterans Park?

* Should the city upgrade lighting on youth sports fields for about $295,000?

* Should the city dedicate 20% of its predicted $800,000 annual revenue from a proposed carpet-distribution warehouse to improve sports fields and recreational facilities?

The names of Mayor Cecilia L. Age and Councilwoman Gail H. Kerry also will be on the ballot.
