
Campaign Reform

Re “Clinton Assails Gingrich on Pace of Political Reform,” July 23:

I share President Clinton’s disappointment with Speaker Newt Gingrich’s “careful” attitude toward creating the commission to study campaign finance and lobbying reform. It is imperative that we move quickly and decisively. As a voting citizen I am frustrated by the amount of big money in politics. In California, more than 90% of the money raised for political campaigns comes in contributions over $100, and nine out of 10 dollars from interests outside the candidate’s district.

It is moneyed special interests that are to be investigated, as well as the deepening dependence politicians have on these “investors” in order to win elections.

California is one of only seven states in with no restrictions on campaign contributions. As soon as possible, Mr. Gingrich, we need not only a commission; we need to get rid of the special-interest money that distorts a political system originally designed to give power to us, the people.



Los Angeles
