

One group that wants to save Ballona Wetlands is suing another.

Friends of Ballona Wetlands, the group that has fought to protect the wetlands near Marina del Rey since 1978, filed suit this week against Save Ballona Wetlands. It seems the Friends have “Save Ballona Wetlands” as their motto and don’t appreciate another environmental group adopting it for a name.

Confusion between the two environmental organizations has been common since Save Ballona Wetlands changed its name from Citizens Against Playa Vista in 1993. The more established Friends group has reached an agreement with Playa Vista’s developer not to oppose the proposed $7-billion project in return for the developer’s promise to restore the wetlands.

But the newer environmental group has continued to be a thorn in developer Maguire Thomas Partners’ side. Although it recently gave up its court fight to prevent Maguire Thomas from going ahead with the first stage of the development, the group has indicated it will oppose future phases of the project, which would ultimately create a community of 29,000 residents and about 20,000 workers.
