
San Fernando : Police Headquarters to Install an ATM

An automated teller machine will be installed inside the San Fernando Police Department headquarters on 1st Street.

The cash-dispensing machine should be in place by the end of the month, said Bea Walker, branch manager of the U.S. Postal Service Federal Credit Union in Mission Hills, which will supply the ATM.

Although no robberies or assaults have occurred at ATMs within San Fernando city boundaries in about two years, police officials said the location of the new cash machine will give patrons an added sense of security when withdrawing money from their accounts.


In addition, it will help familiarize residents with police officers and the department, said Chief Dominick Rivetti, who noted that the Los Angeles Police Department already has ATMs in some stations around Los Angeles.

In the San Fernando Valley, ATMs already have been placed inside the Devonshire and Van Nuys LAPD divisions. Foothill Division is scheduled to receive an ATM by Sept. 21, according to a Los Angeles Police Credit Union employee.

LAPD began its ATM pilot program in 1993, after a spate of slayings at bank machines, including the March, 1993, murder of a pregnant woman at a Sherman Oaks ATM. Van Nuys Municipal Judge Michael Luros and City Councilman Hal Bernson pitched the idea to the LAPD after the rash of ATM crimes.


At the San Fernando Police Department machine, cash won’t be the only item dispensed, Walker added.

“We are also hoping to offer postage stamps for sale from the machine,” she said.
