
Grand Jury Recommendations

Members of the 1994-95 Orange County Grand Jury recommend an increase in countywide cooperation and coordination of efforts to share knowledge and resources in addressing drug abuse and gang violence. Their recommendations:

To the Board of Supervisors

* Fund intervention and prevention programs at a level at least equal to suppression efforts. Continue to fund services for gang awareness, substance abuse, conflict resolution and self-esteem programs. Increase and expand parenting programs countywide.

* Provide leadership to establish a clear countywide stand on nonviolence as a model to other government agencies. Support efforts of the Gang Strategy Steering Committee to continue efforts and expand Project: No Gangs.


* Offer business incentives to invest in improvement of neighborhood schools and community programs for youth.

* Hold town hall meetings to help facilitate awareness and countywide efforts to address the issue of growing gang violence and drug abuse.

To Social Services Agency

* Continue to be an integral part of family-oriented programs. Focus on gang awareness, parenting and substance abuse.


To Probation Department, District Attorney and Sheriff/Coroner

* Adopt the FY94-95 Action Plan of the Gang Prevention Alliance and empower Project: No Gangs to implement the plan.

* Work as a team with school districts and county Department of Education to solve violation of compulsory education laws by providing harsher penalties for truant children and parents.

To Orange County Marshal

* Adopt the FY94-95 Action Plan of the Gang Prevention Alliance and empower Project: No Gangs to implement the plan.


To Orange County Chiefs’ and Sheriff’s Assn.

* Empower Project: No Gangs and expand its role to be coordinator of countywide activities addressing gang awareness, prevention and intervention. Adopt the Orange County Gang Prevention Alliance action plan and enable Project: No Gangs to:

1. Coordinate funding efforts for grants and private money for gang prevention activities.

2. Eliminate competition between schools, cities and nonprofits for the same dollars.

3. Facilitate sharing of resources between communities to allow for joint efforts to increase and prolong funding.

* Expand Neighborhood Watch programs throughout the county.

* Use local cable television to educate communities about gang prevention.

To the 28 School Districts and 31 Municipalities

* Work with Gang Strategy Steering committee to promote Project: No Gangs as the coordinating group addressing gang issues and pooling resources countywide.

* Provide more after-school programs, especially for ages younger than 8 and older than 15.

* Use volunteers and businesses to establish youth centers, organize neighborhood activities and other types of events that reduce the amount of pressure placed on youth to join gangs.

* Continue to work with the Probation Department and the district attorney to enforce compulsory education laws.


Source: Orange County Grand Jury
