
Changes Are Needed in Nation as Whole

* Regarding your editorial on Rep. Anthony Beilenson, “A Fighter For His District” (Nov. 12):

While I do not share your enthusiasm for his liberal politics, I certainly recognize Tony Beilenson’s long devotion to public service. I wish both him and Mrs. Beilenson well. In particular, I recognize his contribution to the Santa Monica Mountains, on whose conservancy board I serve, and for that reason have initiated an effort to name a significant feature in the park after him.

I do think it is time for fresh approaches in Congress and in the nation as a whole. The impasse on Capitol Hill has made clear that both parties need to rise above partisan politics for the good of the country.


I hope to draw the support of all Valley residents--Republicans and Democrats, as well as Libertarians and the new Reform Party--who are interested in serious, thoughtful and constructive approaches to the nation’s problems. Every candidate for public office should be running for one reason and one reason only--to make this a better country. I know I am.



Sybert is a Republican candidate for the seat being vacated by Beilenson.
