
Newt Gingrich

James Pinkerton’s Column Right (Dec. 7) about Speaker Newt Gingrich has much to say, and seems responsible, until he engages in the same type of “reckless rhetoric” he deplores in Gingrich, saying Gingrich’s “talky lack of discipline summons up comparisons to his fellow chubby, mother-oriented Baby Boomer, Bill Clinton.” Talk about name-calling! What has “chubbiness” or “mother-orientation” got to do with his subject, or with Gingrich’s or Clinton’s performance in office?

The unforgivable behavior is yours as editors. Of all the items in this commentary that you might have chosen to highlight, with your blurb, you picked this name-calling, the most irresponsible but sensational part of the whole Pinkerton thing!


Canoga Park


* Regarding your Dec. 7 article about a special counsel being appointed to investigate Gingrich: Now I guess we’ll see what Republican “family values” really mean. I couldn’t say it any better than the way Michael Corleone does in “The Godfather, Part III”: “The higher up you go, the crookeder it becomes.” How true.



Culver City


* Gingrich must be right--the influence of the welfare state mentality is so pervasive that it has seduced even such a morally upstanding individual as Gingrich himself into accepting money. The chief difference, however, is that although welfare recipients generally do nothing to earn those funds, Gingrich at least is sufficiently honorable that he gives value for what he has received, by peddling his influence at a future date.


Marina del Rey
