

Reactions to Tuesday’s developments:

Robert Wilbert, Capistrano Beach resident

“I take no joy whatsoever in seeing any public official implicated because it means there was great failure in the system. A lot of residents don’t want to take any responsibility for this, but we were the ones who put them in office. We are all part of the political process. This shows we need to all pay more attention to what is going on.”


Carole Walters, President of the Orange Taxpayers Assn.

“This is all wrong. I think they are using the supervisors who are remaining on the board as scapegoats. I don’t always agree with [Supervisor William G.] Steiner, but I know he would never do anything to hurt the people of the community. I think this is just a way to get the last two supervisors off the board.”


Barry J. Hammond, Irvine councilman

“They had five supervisors in office, so why did the grand jury pick only two? Just because they are out of office doesn’t mean they are less accountable.”



Joseph N. Walker, Retired Anaheim resident

“This is progress. No one wanted to take responsibility for this disaster. I’m glad to see that someone is being held accountable for all the lost money. . . . I hope it doesn’t stop here. There are others who deserve blame too. . . . I hope this is just the beginning.”


Quentin L. Kopp, State senator (I-San Francisco), member of the state Senate Special Committee on Local Investments

“This is gratifying in the sense that at least somebody in authority in Orange County has made an official finding of misconduct. It’s restorative of faith and honesty in public expression.”
